Charity Crafting

At certain times of year, our thoughts always turn to giving. Instead of our monthly Knit or Crochet Alongs, for the months of November and December, we would like to encourage you to join us in crafting for the charity of your choice.

Below you can find information on charities that we are accepting donations for, as well as other charities that have touched our hearts. If there is a charity that you would like to see featured here, please send us an email to:

Donations For Children

Our own Chonita works closely with Christ Child Society of Texas, Capital Area, Inc.

Nationwide, all Christ Child chapters have a common service project of providing layettes to mothers of newborns in need. In addition, each chapter responds to the unique needs within its own community. Our local chapter of Christ Child Society also works to support disadvantaged elementary aged children and unhoused teenagers.

On behalf of Christ Child Society of Texas, Capital Area, Inc we will be accepting handcrafted donations. Please make sure that all items are machine washable, so that the items are easy to care for. We are specifically looking for baby blankets (30x30 inches), baby hats, as well as hats and cowls for young children and teens.

Knitted Knockers

Knitted Knockers are special handmade breast prostheses for women who have had breast cancer and undergone mastectomy or lumpectomy. Traditional breast prosthetics can be hot, heavy and sticky. They typically require special bras or camisoles with pockets and can’t be worn for weeks after surgery. Knitted Knockers are soft, comfortable, beautiful and when placed in a regular bra they take the shape and feel of a real breast. They are adjustable, washable and can even be worn while swimming.

The Knitted Knockers organization has a list of approved patterns for knit and crochet that you can use if you would like to donate your time and yarn to this charity. You can see a full list of their approved yarns, and available patterns on their website.

At Knit ATX we carry Cascade Pandamonium, which is on the approved list for use with knitting and crochet patterns.

Loose Ends Project

Loose Ends is a non-partisan, non-religious, everyone-is-welcome movement that aims to ease grief, create community, and inspire generosity by matching volunteer handwork finishers with textile projects people have left undone due to death or disability.

Loose Ends welcomes textile handwork crafters of all sorts, from anywhere in the world.

Anyone can submit a project or sign up to become a finisher on the website: There is no charge for this service. Donations can be made to Loose Ends Project at

Looking For More

If you work with a local charity that accepts handmade donations, and you would like us to help solicit donations for you, please send us an email